Sports/ NBA Finals
Well sports fans, the day that basketball fans around the world (except in Miami) have been dreading is finally upon us. Tonight is game one of the NBA Finals in a rematch of the 2006 Finals between the Dallas Mavericks & the Miami Heat. From the summertime, which featured Chris "I'm a follower" Bosh, Dwayne Wade, and LeBron "Benedict Arnold" James signing long term deals with Miami, they wanted to get to this point and have a chance for a title. However, Dirk Nowitski has played as good, if not better, than anyone else in the playoffs this year. How will Miami stop him? Will the Mavericks spoil the Heat's first (and maybe only) attempt at a title? Can Dallas finish this series? These questions will be answered and more once that first jump ball is made until that final buzzer declaring the winner sounds. We'll see what transpires over the next few days
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